Monday, June 23, 2014

Make Room for KD2GTM

I decided to try something new this summer, so now I am a proud new member of the ham radio community!  To start my journey into the ham world, I needed to get my license.  This was the easy part. I downloaded an app that tested me on the questions that would be on the Technician exam and practiced online at  From there, I found a testing location and a date and went at it!  Despite getting asked if I was in the right place (apparently teen girls are not the usual test takers), everything went smoothly.  It took only three days for my call sign to appear in the FCC database.  So what now?  I am currently shopping for radios, but there's so many options! I'll let you know what I pick. In the meantime, I downloaded HamSphere 3.0 and am using that to transmit!  It's awesome!  You can talk to people from all over the world, and even receive there QSL card.  QSL cards are basically the trading cards of ham radio.  You generally trade them with anyone that you communicate with.  I designed mine tonight.  What do you think?


  1. Welcome to HAM RADIO a great hobby. I've been at it for 60 years and still LOVE it!
    Very nice card but a bit on the 'too pink' side! Please visit our website


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