Monday, January 20, 2014

Dorm Room Survival Tips

It's the time of the year when high school seniors decide what college or university they will be attending for the next 2-5 years.  This decision is huge, as it determines what your dorm room will be like.  Searching "dorm room" on Google brings up the following results: 

I'm here to tell you that these photos lie.  They 100% lie.  If this is what you are expecting, you will find yourself disappointed. The rooms depicted above have clearly never had college kids living in them.

However, do not fret!  There are some things you can do to make your dorm room as close to the photos above as humanly possible. 

1. Set up a cleaning schedule 
No one likes living like a slob.  However, in college you will be really busy.  There will always be better things to do than cleaning.  DO NOT FALL INTO THIS TRAP.  Set aside one hour once a week to straighten.  If you stay on top of the mess, you won't even need that much time.  The rooms are small after all! 

2. Storage, storage, and more storage
Bring storage bins!  You can find lots of cute ones online or in stores.  You will not regret this!  And make sure that you have extra storage!  At college you come home with A LOT more things than you came with.  There is always some event handing out t-shirts, backpacks, or hats, and these things need a place in your dorm.  Check out Target for cute storage ottomans. 

3. Set roommate guidelines
There's many types of roommates. Some are best friends, some are enemies, some are in between.  No matter which type of roommate you get, there will always be things that they do that get on your nerves.  In the beginning it won't be bad.  It will be something you can tolerate.  You will be living with this person for the whole school year!  It will get on your nerves quickly! So talk to them in the beginning about guidelines for each of you. 

4. Open your door

5. Do not date someone on your floor
The first people you will meet at college will be the ones living on your floor.  There will probably be someone that will catch your eye.  Do not date them though!  This can lead to awkward situations for both of you!  At first it may seem great, but eventually you will want your space, and it will be hard to get that with them living right there.  Also, if you broke up you would have to deal with seeing them every day.  It's not fun.

6. Make friends with your RA 
Being friends with the RA will always have perks.

Have any survival stories?  Post them in the comments!

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Monday, January 6, 2014

101 Ways to Ask Them to Prom

Believe it or not, it's getting to be that time of the year.  Time to think about who you're asking to prom and of course, how you're asking them.

If you are really desperate to find a prom date, try Prom Date Depot.  I take no responsibility for the dates being sketchy. 

Now for the creative part.  101 ways to ask your date to prom. Let the list begin: 

1. Cookie Cake 

2. Crayon Poster

3. Locker Surprise

4. Puppyposal

5. Horseposal

6. Fishposal

7. Starbucks Cup

8. Pizzaposal

9. Garage Surprise

10. Candles

11. Fortune Cookie 

12. Sticky Note Assault

13. Mud

14. Message in a Bottle

15. Cake Poposal 

16. Pretzelposal 

17. Pokemon 

18. Ice Sculpture 

19. Road Signs 

20. Phone Case 

21. A Bus

22. Track Hurdles 

23. T-Shirt 

24. Duct Tape

25. Lollipops

26. Scantron 

27. M&M's 

28. Cookies

29. Bumper Banner 

30. Hockey Pucks 

31. Box Office 

32. Draw Something 

33. Roses 

34. Baseball 

35. Candygram 

36. Photo Booth 

37. Bracelet 

38. Flower 

39. Sidewalk Chalk 

40. Nerf Gun Note 

41. Sunburn 

42. Flash Mob 

43. Ping Pong Balls 

44. Beer 

45. Presentposal 

46. Videogame 

47. Snow 

48. Swim Caps 

49. Pokeball 

50. Water glass 

51. Balloons 

52. Sign for Swimmer 

53. Catposal 

54. Sushi 

55. Lacrosse 

56. Tennis

57. Reasons in a Notebook

58. Sailboat 

59. Cake

60. Skywriting 

61. Softball 

62. Mix Tape 

63. Math 

64. Breakfast 

65. Graffiti 

66. Red Solo Cups 

67. Whale

68. Harry Potter 

69. Condoms 
Please, please, please DO NOT DO THIS

70. Disciplinary Referral 

71. Taco Bell 

72. Hangman 

73. Minecraft 

74. Donuts 

75. People 

76. Bacon 

77. Bleachers 

78. Newspaper Article 

79. Shadows 

80. Cupcakes 

81. Mustache 

82. Bunny 

83. Boxes 

84. Fortune Teller 

85. Skateboard 

86. Fishing 

87. Sparklers 

88. Seaweed 

89. Flower Petals 

90. Puzzle 

91. Change Phone Contact

92. Rings 

93. Spongebob 

94. Chest 

95. Owl 

96. Walking Dead 

97. Calculator 

98. Eggs 

99. Ice Cream 


101. Seashells 

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